Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Okay, Kym tagged me to put this survey and answers in my blog, so here it is:

Here are the 8s:

Rules:1) Post Rules on your blog
2) Answer the six "8" items
3) Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment

8 favorite shows
American Idol
Grey's Anatomy
Desperate Housewives
So You Think You Can Dance

8 things I did yesterday
Worked out with "My Fitness Coach" on the Wii
Did Laundry
Made Dinner
Took Dominic to the bus in the AM & picked him up in the PM
Went to WalMart
Had lunch with Francesca
Watched TV with Chris after the kids were in bed
Went to the post office

8 things I look forward to
Going to Rome in April
Seeing my Mom for a few days when she comes to stay with the kids when we're in Rome
Chris getting home from work
The weekend
Watching my children grow up
The Brioche I have in the oven right now
Going to Disney in 2010
Warm weather!

8 things I wish for
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies
Dominic and Francesca to outgrow their food allergies

8 Restaurants
The Longhorn
TGI Fridays
Papa Gino's
Primanti Brothers!!!
The Cheesecake Factory (for dessert)

I'm not tagging anyone. Uh-oh, I'm breaking the rules! The tag police are going to get me! :)

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