Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back to School!

Today both kids are in school. Finally. I feel as though they haven't been in a regular school routine since Christmas vacation. We've had a few snow days and two hour delays, plus they had off for MLK day and yesterday as a "professional development" day (most likely scheduled for yesterday due to the inauguration of our new President). Francesca ended up with 5 days in a row off, while Dominic had 4 in a row. I have to admit, we were all ready for them to go to school this morning!

With the cold and snow (and spotty school schedule), we've been playing quite a bit of the Wii. I usually don't let them in front of a screen (TV or computer) for more than 30-60 minutes per day, but I let that limit slide quite a bit due to the interactive nature of the Wii. (Okay, and because we were stuck inside, bored, and driving each other crazy!) The kids pooled their Target gift cards that they got for Christmas and bought a new game called "Outdoor Adventure." It comes with a mat and can be played by either 1 or 2 players (unfortunately there's no 4 player option). It's fun and keep them moving - pumping their arms while doing a mine cart ride, running and jumping over hurdles, and paddling a kayak. My arms were exhausted yesterday after doing the mine cart - I thought they were going to fall off and I actually think they are a little sore today! I do know that we all needed drinks of water after playing, so that's a good sign that we were active. :)

I'm just hoping that once the weather warms up a bit, I can drag them away from the Wii and get them outside!

1 comment:

The Beyer Family said...

I am so excited to get that game for Courtney for her birthday! Glad to hear that you guys enjoy it so much!