Friday, November 6, 2009

Francesca's Playdate

Tomorrow I'm taking Francesca on a playdate to her friend Jaden's house. Jaden is a cute, quiet little boy in her class. They've taken a liking to each other and we always hear about Jaden and his parents always hear about Francesca. Now, Jaden's parents are divorced - his mom lives in Millbury and his dad lives in Holden, and the playdate is at the dad's house. I'm already working on topics of conversation including did you grow up around here, what made you become a firefighter, and why did your marriage fail? Just kidding on the last one! (I tried to convince Chris to take her but he doesn't want to. You all know how much he likes making conversation with strangers.)

Anyway, Francesca is very excited about her playdate tomorrow! Today at dinner she told us that she can't wait because Jaden wants to play the kissing game. I asked her what that was and she said "It's when we just kiss like crazy!"

Okay, maybe Jaden isn't as shy and quiet as I thought....

I explained that with the swine flu going around, it's probably not a good idea to be doing any kissing right now. It should be safe by the time she's 20.

(Speaking of the swine flu, there were 9 kids absent in Dominic's class today. NINE out of twenty-one. I wonder if we'll be next....)

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