Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gobble Gobble

Our friendly neighborhood turkey reappeared today after a several-week hiatus from our neighborhood. As we drove through our neighborhood after I picked Francesca up from school, she ran down the sidewalk - following our minivan - and proceeded to stand outside our front door making this pitiful gobble-crying noise. We went out to say hello to her, but felt bad making a run for the door and leaving her outside.

She's been given several names by various people. I suggested Butterball, which seems to have stuck, although I preferred Sweet Potato. Francesca adamantly insists her name is Lollipop. Regardless of her name, she likes to hang out with us at the bus stop and will stand within 6 inches of people. She likes the company - in the past she has come running down the street to hang with us when we're gathered at the bus stop. Of course, she then also chooses someone to follow home where she looks in their doors and windows while leaving poop presents on their front step. Our neighbors Rosie and Shana are TERRIFIED of the turkey. They scream, run, and have even knocked on a strange man's door at 6:30 am so he could save them from the turkey. :)

Poor turkey. She thinks she's people.

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