Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long time no type...

Now that the kids are in school all day, there's no excuse for me to not update our family blog more often. I mean, nothing other than Usborne, Zumba, laundry, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping.... How did I get all this done while they were home?!?!

I have a lot to share, but want to start off with a cute little conversation I had with Francesca on Sunday. Chris mentioned seeing a hot air balloon when he was taking Dominic to Sunday school....

F: I think I would really like to ride in a hot air balloon.
Me: You would?
F: Yes, because when we were at Kennywood I rode the parachutes and really love them, so I think I would also really love riding in a hot air balloon.
Me: I don't know, they go really high. And I think the sides of the basket are tall so you might not be able to see much.
F: Well then they'd have to make a hot air balloon for kids with shorter sides. That way we could see out. And it would be only for kids, but the kid driving it would have to be 10.

I love how her little mind thinks of these things and then she puts them into words in her cute little voice. So matter of fact!

Today is gymnastics day. It's Tuesday. Of course, Wednesdays and Thursdays are also gymnastics days - Tue/Thurs for Francesca and Wed for Dominic. Tuesdays are also soccer practice days for Dominic. Then on Saturdays they both have dance in the morning while I teach Zumba at the studio, so we're busy bees!

More on Zumba and other Beyer Family news soon.... (I hope...)

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